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Leading with Habits: Why Identity Matters
Leadership Sally Wade Leadership Sally Wade

Leading with Habits: Why Identity Matters

Leadership is not just a matter of what you do, but who you are. It is also an active and personal skill that requires consistent effort and the right mindset. I am increasingly convinced that to become an effective leader, it's essential to think of leadership as an identity. This will enable you to unlock the resourceful habits you need to be truly impactful. In other words, leadership is not just something you do, but something you become.

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The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Team
Leadership Sally Wade Leadership Sally Wade

The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Team

As a leader, it can be tempting to think that things like team buildings, dinners or even actually gifts are what you team needs to be productive, fulfilled, and motivated. You may even consider perks like free lunches, gym memberships or training to be important.

And for some people this may very well be important.

I would argue that there is an even bigger gift that you can and should be focused on giving your employees.

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